The Ultimate REal Estate course

12-Part Course Lead and Taught by Omar Alfaro. Learn Everything You Need to Know to Buy Your First Real Estate Investment or Participate in one.

No real estate experience or license necessary. Open to anyone willing to learn and invest.

12 Lessons with Omar Alfaro

Every week you'll get access to a new training and documents presented by Omar Alfaro. It'll be a call with content + recorded Q&A sessions to get all of your questions answered. See the curriculum here.


Private Facebook Communitiy

You'll get access to a private Facebook Community where you'll be able to connect with like-minded individuals looking to achieve the same goals as you. You'll also find Omar in there answering some of the questions you post there.


Everything you need to succeed

You'll receive access to all the recordings, documents, scripts, etc. in order to succeed!


12 Part Course Curriculum

The points why its beneficial to Invest in Real Estate
Setting Your Financial Goals (Getting Clear)
Establishing your credit & COnnections
Marketing and Advertising to Get more opportunities
Scripts and Dialogues - to learn what to say
What is the Exit after you get the Signature
Property Management - Are you picking up rent?
Book keeping and Taxes: It's about What you keep
Strategies to Analyze Your Next Deal
Building Your Team - Super Crucial
Rehab Strategies to Maximize the Return
Bonus: Creating systems to replicate success


Preferred & Receive The Guarantee
12 Online Pre-Recorded Lessons with Omar Alfaro
Private Facebook Community
Course Platform with All Recordings and Documents Mentioned in The Calls
BONUS: 2 Deal Breakdown Examples
90 DAY GUARANTEE - If you join buy the course and participate in the program but don't see results, Omar will work with you for free until you do for the rest of 2023*

*Contract to be sent and to be signed after purchased for guarantee to be valid.
Extend and Pay an Extra $100
12 Online Pre-Recorded Lessons with Omar Alfaro
Private Facebook Community
Course Platform with All Recordings and Documents Mentioned in The Calls

Join Today and Launch your RE Portfolio

Limited Spots Available, Join Today